She is actually named the sexiest Russian woman away from 2010 by Maxim magazine

Svetlana Viktorovna Khodchenkova are a beneficial Russian actress of theatre, film and television. She actually is an Recognized Artist of your own Russian Federation.

Svetlana Khodchenkova many years 38 age. Born: January 21, 1983, Moscow, Russia. Height: step one.8 yards. Spouse: Vladimir Yaglych (yards. 2005–2010). Education: Boris Shchukin Cinema Institute (2001–2005). Shows: Brief Course of Happier Life, Household stop.

Marina Aleksandrova

Marina Andreevna Pupenina, understood by the their pseudonym Marina Aleksandrova are good Russian celebrity, best-known on her part since Catherine the favorable regarding the television series Ekaterina. This woman is a keen Recognized Singer of one’s Russian Federation.

Marina Aleksandrova decades 38 many years. Born: August 31, 1982, Kiskunmajsa, Hungary. Spouse: Andrey Boltenko (yards. 2011), Ivan Stebu). Children: Ekaterina Boltenko, Andrey Boltenko. Parents: Andrei Pupenin, Irina Pupenina. Television shows: Catherine, Mosgaz, The new Executioner, Crawl.

Ekaterina Klimova

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Klimova is a Russian flick, movie theater and tv celebrity, whom started her profession within the 1999. From inside the 2002, she obtained Viktor Rozov Honor to find the best Actress Under Many years 31. Certainly one of their unique prominent positions was Dutchess Natalia Repnina throughout the 2003 tv show Worst Nastya.

Ekaterina Klimova decades 43 many years. Born: January 24, 1978, Moscow, Russia. Spouse: Gela Meskhi (meters. 2015–2019), Igor Petrenko (m. 2004–2014), Ilya Khoroshilov (m. ?–2004). Children: Khoroshilova Elizaveta Ilyinichna, Bella Meskhi, Matvei Petrenko, Korney Petrenko. Siblings: Viktoriya Klimova. Parents: Svetlana Klimova, Aleksandr Klimov.

Anna Kovalchuk

Anna Leonidovna Kovalchuk are good Russian actress. This new winner of your own award on the presentation of the visualize out-of “a beneficial profile” regarding the international legal Festival “Rules and Neighborhood” to the term character about tv show Treasures of Investigation.

Anna Kovalchuk decades 43 age. Born: Summer 15, 1977, Neustrelitz, Germany. Nationality: Russian. Height: step one.75 meters. Spouse: Oleg Kapustin (yards. 2007), Anatoly Ilchenko (yards. 1999–2005). Children: Zlata Ilchenko, Dobrynya Kapustin.

Kristina Asmus

Kristina Igorevna Asmus is actually good Russian movie theater and you can flick actress. She actually is recognized for their unique tv role regarding the medical sitcom Interns.

Kristina Asmus age 32 ages. Born: April fourteen, 1988, Korolyov, Russia. Height: step one.64 meters. Spouse: Garik Kharlamov (meters. 2013–2020). Children: Anastasia Kharlamova. Parents: Igor Myasnikov, Rada Myasnikova.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya

Elizaveta Boyarskaya ages thirty five age. Born: December 20, 1985, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Height: step 1.eight yards. Spouse: Maksim Matveyev (meters. 2010). Children: Andrei Matveyev. Siblings: Sergey Boyarskiy.

Oksana Akinshina

Oksana Aleksandrovna Akinshina are an excellent Russian celebrity. She’s best known on her spots on the clips Sisters, Lilya 4-ever, The new Bourne Supremacy, and Hipsters.

Oksana Akinshina age 33 years. Born: April 19, 1987, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Height: step one.72 yards. Spouse: Archil Gelovani (meters. 2012), Dmitriy Litvi). Children: Filipp Dmitrievich Litvinov, Konstantin Gelovani. Parents: Sergey Akinshin, Yekaterina Akinshina.

Lyanka Gryu

Lyanka Gryu ages 33 decades. Born: November twenty-two, 1987, Moscow, Russia. Height: 1.75 meters. Spouse: Mikhail Vaynberg (yards. 2010). Parents: Gheorghe Grau, Stella Ilnitskaya. Children: Maxim Vaynberg.

Maria Kozhevnikova

Maria Aleksandrovna Kozhevnikova is good Russian celebrity and you can politician. She was chosen Russia’s preferred woman within the . Deputy of your own Condition Duma of your Russian Federation.

Maria Kozhevnikova Age thirty six age. Born: November 14, 1984, Moscow, Russia. Spouse: Evgeniy Vasilyev (yards. 2013). Children: Ivan Vasilyev, Maksim Vasilyev. Parents: Alexander Kozhevnikov, Margarita Kozhevnikova. Siblings: Andrey Kozhevnikov, Yekaterina Kozhevnikova.

Anna Chipovskaya

Anna Chipovskaya Decades 33 ages. Born: June 16, 1987, Moscow, Russia. Height: step 1.68 meters. Parents: Olga Chipovskaya, Boris Frumkin. Nominations: Wonderful Eagle Honor to possess Better Celebrity when you look at the a tv show, Fantastic Eagle Prize to possess Finest Support Celebrity. Nationality: Russian, Soviet.

Ekaterina Guseva

Yekaterina Konstantinovna Guseva is actually a beneficial Russian movie, theater, Tv celebrity and artist, Meritorious Artist out of Russia. She turned fabled for their character regarding 2002 television series Brigada.

Ekaterina Guseva age 49 age. Born: July 9, 1976, Moscow, Russia. Height: step 1.68 meters. Spouse: Vladimir Abashkin (m. 1996). Children: Aleksei Abashkin, Anna Abashkina. Siblings: Anastasia Guseva.

Evgenia Brik

Evgenia Brik decades 39 age. Born: September step three, 1981, Moscow, Russia. Spouse: Valery Todorovsky (m. 2006). Parents: Vladimir Hirivskiy. Children: Zoey Todorovsky. Siblings: Valeriya Hirivskaya.

Viktoriya Isakova

Viktoriya Evgenievna Isakova is good Russian theatre and you can movie celebrity. Their film credit were Tochka, This new Island and you can Decorative mirrors. Their unique television credit were Ottepel. During the 2015 she appeared in Rodina, the latest Russian Tv variation out of Homeland.

Viktoriya Isakova years 49 many years. Born: Oct twelve, 1976, Khasavyurt, Russia. Nationality: Russian. Spouse: Yuriy Moroz (yards. 2003). Parents: Yevgeniy Gertselyevich Isakov, Nadezhda Isakova. Nominations: Nika Award to possess Finest Celebrity.

Elena Lyadova

Elena Igorevna Lyadova is actually an excellent Russian celebrity. In 2002, she graduated of Mikhail Shchepkin Large Cinema School during the Moscow, Russia. Her motion picture credit were Elena, The fresh Geographer Ingested Their Community Aside, Leviathan and you will Orlean.

Elena Lyadova Ages forty years. Born: December twenty five, 1980, Morshansk, Russia. Height: step one.eight m. Spouse: Vladimir Vdovichenkov (m. 2015). Parents: Igor Lyadov. Awards: Nika Award having Top Actress.

Tatyana Arntgolts

Tatyana Arntgolts Years 39 age. Born: February 18, 1982, Kaliningrad, Russia. Nationality: Russian. Spouse: ). Siblings: Olga Arntgolts, Anton Arntgolts. Children: Mariya Zhidkova.

Liza Arzamasova

Liza Arzamasova many years 26 age. Born: March 17, 1995, Moscow, Russia. Nationality: Russian. Spouse: Ilia Averbukh (m. 2020). Parents: Nikolay Arzamasov, asova. Education: Humanities Institute out-of Television and you will Broadcast Sending out, Russian Institute away from Movies Arts – GITIS.

Darya Moroz

Darya Yurievna Moroz is a beneficial Russian film and you can stage celebrity, Recognized Singer out-of Russia. This woman is a two-go out champ of one’s Nika Award.

Darya Moroz many years 37 decades. Born: September step 1, 1983, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Height: step one.73 yards. Spouse: Konstantin Bogomolov (meters. 2010–2018). Parents: Yuriy Moroz, Marina Levtova. Children: Anna Bogomolova.

Svetlana Antonova

Svetlana Antonova Years 41 age. Born: December ten, 1979, Moscow, Russia. Height: step 1.79 meters. Spouse: Oleg Dolin (yards. ?–2008). Children: Arseny Zhigalkin, Mariya Dolina. Siblings: Natalya Antonova.

Anastasia Sivayeva

Anastasia Sergeevna Sivayeva was a Russian celebrity regarding theater, movies and tv. Most popular on character regarding Darya Vasnetsova regarding well-known sitcom Daddy’s Daughters.

Anastasia Sivayeva age 30 decades. Born: November ten, 1991, Moscow, Russia. Height: step one.68 meters. Education: Institute of modern Government, Film and tv. Siblings: Sivayev Aleksey. Parents: Sivayeva Oksana, Sivayev Sergei. Video and television reveals: Daddy’s Daughters, Slova i muzyka.

Aglaya Tarasova

Aglaya Viktorovna Tarasova is an effective Russian celebrity. This woman is most popular on her behalf character about close crisis Freeze. Champion of one’s Wonderful Eagle Prize for the best women movie character.

Aglaya Tarasova age twenty-six age. Born: April 18, 1994, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Height: step one.71 yards. Full name: Darya-Aglaya Viktorovna Tarasova. Parents: Kseniya Rappoport, Victor Tarasov. Grandparent: Aleksandr Rappoport.

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